Systematic literature review

A focus on authors, articles, references with networks


Olivier Caron

Paris Dauphine - PSL

Christophe Benavent

Paris Dauphine - PSL


November 17, 2023

1 Purpose

cowsay::say("After researching the articles and references by making graphs to
better visualize the structure of the research. We want to focus
here on the authors, trying to understand how communities evolve over time.")

After researching the articles and references by making graphs to
better visualize the structure of the research. We want to focus
here on the authors, trying to understand how communities evolve over time. 
          ==) ^Y^ (==
            \  ^  /
            /     \
            |     |
           /| | | |\
           \| | |_|/\
      jgs  //_// ___/

2 Libraries and preparing data

2.1 Summary of the authors data

#| label: summary-authors-data
#| column: screen-inset-right


list_articles <- read_csv2("nlp_full_data_final_18-08-2023.csv") %>%
  mutate(marketing = as.logical(marketing)) %>%
  mutate(authid = as.character(authid)) %>%
  mutate(afid = as.character(afid)) %>%
  mutate(entry_number = as.character(entry_number)) %>%
  mutate(source_id = as.character(source_id)) %>%
  mutate(article_number = as.character(article_number)) %>%
  mutate(openaccess = as.logical(openaccess))

skim(list_articles) #%>%
  #filter(!skim_type %in% c("logical"))
Data summary
Name list_articles
Number of rows 1498
Number of columns 54
Column type frequency:
character 42
logical 5
numeric 7
Group variables None

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
entry_number 0 1.00 1 3 0 485 0
author_url 0 1.00 60 61 0 1255 0
authid 0 1.00 10 11 0 1255 0
orcid 1237 0.17 19 19 0 240 0
authname 0 1.00 5 23 0 1241 0
surname 0 1.00 2 18 0 1002 0
given_name 1 1.00 2 25 0 1148 0
initials 1 1.00 2 8 0 275 0
afid 116 0.92 8 9 0 601 0
affiliation_url 116 0.92 68 69 0 601 0
affilname 116 0.92 4 103 0 600 0
affiliation_city 122 0.92 3 26 0 416 0
affiliation_country 117 0.92 4 20 0 64 0
continent 117 0.92 4 8 0 5 0
prism:url 0 1.00 62 63 0 485 0
dc:identifier 0 1.00 20 21 0 485 0
eid 0 1.00 17 18 0 485 0
dc:title 0 1.00 24 222 0 485 0
dc:creator 0 1.00 5 21 0 427 0
prism:publicationName 0 1.00 15 167 0 128 0
prism:issn 219 0.85 6 8 0 78 0
prism:eIssn 681 0.55 8 8 0 60 0
prism:volume 501 0.67 1 14 0 90 0
prism:issueIdentifier 673 0.55 1 7 0 19 0
prism:pageRange 325 0.78 3 9 0 390 0
prism:coverDate 0 1.00 10 10 0 190 0
prism:coverDisplayDate 0 1.00 4 22 0 230 0
prism:doi 52 0.97 13 37 0 462 0
dc:description 6 1.00 203 5086 0 483 0
prism:aggregationType 0 1.00 4 21 0 5 0
subtype 0 1.00 2 2 0 7 0
subtypeDescription 0 1.00 4 16 0 7 0
authkeywords 185 0.88 27 318 0 430 0
source_id 0 1.00 5 11 0 127 0
fund_no 0 1.00 4 24 0 79 0
freetoread.value.$ 1132 0.24 3 3 0 1 0
freetoreadLabel.value.$ 1132 0.24 15 15 0 1 0
fund_acr 1154 0.23 2 20 0 54 0
fund_sponsor 1141 0.24 9 94 0 64 0
pii 1316 0.12 11 17 0 57 0
article_number 1285 0.14 1 8 0 62 0
subjects_area 153 0.90 9 251 0 81 0

Variable type: logical

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean count
(_fa?) 0 1.00 1.00 TRU: 1498
afid.@_fa 116 0.92 1.00 TRU: 1382
openaccess 0 1.00 0.13 FAL: 1301, TRU: 197
openaccessFlag 0 1.00 0.13 FAL: 1301, TRU: 197
marketing 0 1.00 0.82 TRU: 1226, FAL: 272

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
(seq?) 0 1.0 2.37 1.47 1 1 2 3 12 ▇▁▁▁▁
citedby_count 0 1.0 22.28 59.27 0 0 4 18 495 ▇▁▁▁▁
author_count.@limit 0 1.0 100.00 0.00 100 100 100 100 100 ▁▁▇▁▁
author_count.@total 0 1.0 3.75 1.80 1 3 3 4 12 ▇▅▁▁▁
author_count 0 1.0 3.75 1.80 1 3 3 4 12 ▇▅▁▁▁
year 0 1.0 2019.47 4.61 1992 2019 2021 2022 2023 ▁▁▁▁▇
nref 153 0.9 63.94 44.92 2 32 60 85 311 ▇▆▁▁▁

2.2 Check name of authors

We need to check if there are more than one unique authorname per authid. If so, we need to change the different names of author to the same name in order to have the exact same node per author later in the network.

test <- list_articles %>%
  group_by(authid) %>%
  select(authid, authname, entry_number) %>%
  mutate(n = n())

result <- test %>%
  group_by(authid) %>%
  filter(n_distinct(authname) > 1) %>%
  distinct(authid, .keep_all = TRUE)

result %>% reactable()
number_duplicates <- nrow(result)

cat("There are ", number_duplicates, " authors registered with different names.")
There are  25  authors registered with different names.

2.3 Correct the duplicate names

Let’s correct that by using one property of the distinct function: the .keep_all = TRUE parameter. It keeps the first occurrence of each group, which is the first row encountered for each unique combination of authid and authname. It will be faster than manually changing the name of each author.

# Merge list_articles with result on the authid column
merged_df <- left_join(list_articles, result, by = "authid")

# Replace authname values in list_articles with those from result
list_articles$authname <- ifelse(!$authname.y), merged_df$authname.y, list_articles$authname)

# Keep only marketing articles and filter "Erratum" type of publications (=correction)
list_articles <- list_articles %>% 
  filter(marketing == 1) %>%
  filter(subtypeDescription != "Erratum")

cat("There are", n_distinct(list_articles$entry_number), "articles and", n_distinct(list_articles$authname), "authors overall in the data.")
There are 404 articles and 976 authors overall in the data.
# Write the updated dataframe to a CSV file 
write_csv2(list_articles, "nlp_full_data_final_unique_author_names.csv")

It is now done. We can check again if there are more than one unique authorname per authid.

2.4 Verification of duplicate names

test <- list_articles %>%
  group_by(authid) %>%
  select(authid, authname, entry_number) %>%
  mutate(n = n())

result <- test %>%
  group_by(authid) %>%
  filter(n_distinct(authname) > 1) %>%
  distinct(authid, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%

result %>% reactable()

It’s alright, we can now continue on constructing the data frames for the networks.

3 Co-authorship networks

#G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(network_data_2022_2023, 'authname1', 'authname2', edge_attr='value', create_using=nx.Graph())

3.1 Network basic visualization

This is a basic visualization done with the NetworkX library and matplotlib.

#| label: network-visualization
#| fig-cap: Visualization of the co-authorship network for the 2022-2023 period, created using NetworkX and matplotlib.
#| fig-align: center

#pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)

#nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, node_color='skyblue',, pos=pos)

This is not interactive and the result is not enlightening at all. We then decide to use Pyvis to create an interactive visualization.

3.2 Network visualization with Pyvis


Pyvis enables us to create interactive visualizations and modify the network layout in real time with the net.show_buttons(filter_=['physics']) command. This button then generates options to include in our code by using the net.set_options() function. More information here.

#| label: network-visualization-pyvis
#| output: false

#from import Network

#net = Network(notebook=True, cdn_resources='remote', width=1500, height=900, bgcolor="white", font_color="black")
#const options = {
#  "physics": {
#    "forceAtlas2Based": {
#      "gravitationalConstant": -13,
#      "centralGravity": 0.015,
#      "springLength": 70
#    },
#    "minVelocity": 0.75,
#    "solver": "forceAtlas2Based"
#  }

#node_degree = dict(

## Some values for nodes
# Multiply node sizes by two
#node_degree_doubled = {node: 2 * degree for node, degree in node_degree.items()}
#node_degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G)
#node_degree_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G)
#node_degree_closeness = nx.closeness_centrality(G)
#node_degree_constraint = nx.constraint(G)

# Set the node attributes with the doubled sizes
#nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_doubled, 'size')
#nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_centrality, 'centrality')
#nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_betweenness, 'betweenness')
#nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_closeness, 'closeness')
#nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_constraint, 'constraint')
##nx.set_node_attributes(G, affilauthor_2022_2023, 'affiliation')
#nx.set_node_attributes(G, countryauthor_2022_2023, 'country')
#nx.set_node_attributes(G, citations_2022_2023, 'citations')
#nx.set_node_attributes(G, article_2022_2023, 'title')
#nx.set_node_attributes(G, journal_2022_2023, 'journal')

#listnodes = net.nodes

#listnodes = net.nodes


3.3 Detect communities with Louvain’s algorithm

#| label: community-detection-louvain
#| output: false

#import community as community_louvain

# Compute the best partition
#communities = community_louvain.best_partition(G)

#dftest = pd.DataFrame(list(communities.items()), columns=['authname', 'community'])

#nx.set_node_attributes(G, communities, 'group')
#| label: network-visualization-pyvis-louvain
#| output: false
#com_net = Network(notebook=True, cdn_resources='remote', width=1500, height=900, bgcolor="white", font_color="black")
#const options = {
#  "physics": {
#    "forceAtlas2Based": {
#      "gravitationalConstant": -13,
#      "centralGravity": 0.015,
#      "springLength": 50
#    },
#    "minVelocity": 0.75,
#    "solver": "forceAtlas2Based"
#  }


3.4 Network visualization with ipysigma (Plique 2022)

3.4.1 A function to graph them all

# Constants
    'affilname', 'affiliation_country', 'dc:title', 'prism:publicationName',
    'subtypeDescription', 'year', 'citedby_count', 'subjects_area', 'authkeywords'

def get_author_info(filtered_articles, columns):
    Given a DataFrame of filtered articles and a list of column names,
    this function collects author information and returns it as a dictionary.
    author_info = {col: {} for col in columns}
    author_info["citations"] = {}

    for _, row in filtered_articles.iterrows():
        author_name = row['authname']

        if pd.notna(row['citedby_count']):
            author_info["citations"][author_name] = author_info["citations"].get(author_name, 0) + row['citedby_count']

        for col in columns:
            value = row[col]
            if pd.notna(value):
                value = str(value).strip()
                if author_name in author_info[col]:
                    if value not in author_info[col][author_name]:
                        author_info[col][author_name] += " | " + value
                    author_info[col][author_name] = value

    return author_info

def sigma_graph(dataframe, start_year, end_year):
    Creates a graph representing author collaborations based on a given DataFrame of articles.
    Filters the articles based on the given start and end years.
    # Error handling
    if dataframe.empty:
        print("The DataFrame is empty.")
        return None, None

    for column in COLUMNS_TO_COLLECT:
        if column not in dataframe.columns:
            print(f"The DataFrame is missing the column: {column}")
            return None, None

    list_articles = dataframe
    filtered_articles = list_articles[(list_articles['year'] >= start_year) & (list_articles['year'] <= end_year)]

    author_pairs = []
    grouped = filtered_articles.groupby('entry_number')[['authid', 'authname']].agg(list).reset_index()

    for _, row in grouped.iterrows():
        entry_number = row['entry_number']
        authors = row['authid']
        authnames = row['authname']

        if len(authors) == 1:
            author_pairs.append((entry_number, authors[0], authors[0], authnames[0], authnames[0]))
        elif len(authors) > 1:
            author_combinations = list(combinations(range(len(authors)), 2))
            for i, j in author_combinations:
                author_pairs.append((entry_number, authors[i], authors[j], authnames[i], authnames[j]))

    result_df = pd.DataFrame(author_pairs, columns=['entry_number', 'authid1', 'authid2', 'authname1', 'authname2'])

    collaboration_df = result_df[["authname1", "authname2"]]
    collaboration_df = pd.DataFrame(np.sort(collaboration_df.values, axis=1), columns=collaboration_df.columns)
    collaboration_df['value'] = 1
    collaboration_df = collaboration_df.groupby(["authname1", "authname2"], sort=False, as_index=False).sum()

    G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(collaboration_df, 'authname1', 'authname2', edge_attr='value', create_using=nx.Graph())

    for u, v in G.edges:
        G[u][v]["color"] = "#7D7C7C"

    for index, row in collaboration_df.iterrows():
        G.add_edge(row['authname1'], row['authname2'], weight=row['value'])

    metrics = {
        'centrality': nx.degree_centrality,
        'betweenness': nx.betweenness_centrality,
        'closeness': nx.closeness_centrality,
        'eigenvector_centrality': partial(nx.eigenvector_centrality, max_iter=1000),
        'burt_constraint_weighted': partial(nx.constraint, weight="value"),
        'burt_constraint_unweighted': nx.constraint

    for attr, func in metrics.items():
        nx.set_node_attributes(G, func(G), attr)

    author_info = get_author_info(filtered_articles, COLUMNS_TO_COLLECT)

    for col in COLUMNS_TO_COLLECT:
        nx.set_node_attributes(G, author_info[col], col)

    nx.set_node_attributes(G, author_info['citations'], 'citations')

    rows = []
    for node in G.nodes():
        node_info = {'Node': node}
        for col in COLUMNS_TO_COLLECT:
            node_info[col] = G.nodes[node].get(col, None)

    df = pd.DataFrame(rows)

                 default_edge_type       = "curve",                                                     # Default edge type
                 clickable_edges         = True,                                                        # Clickable edges
                 edge_size               = "value",                                                     # Set edge size
                 fullscreen              = True,                                                        # Display in fullscreen
                 label_density           = 3,                                                           # Label density (= increase to have more labels appear at normal zoom level)
                 label_font              = "Helvetica Neue",                                            # Label font
                 max_categorical_colors  = 10,                                                          # Max categorical colors
                 node_border_color_from  = 'node',                                                      # Node border color from node attribute
                 node_color              = "community",                                                 # Set node colors
                 node_label_size         = "citations",                                                 # Node label size
                 node_label_size_range   = (12, 36),                                                    # Node label size range
                 node_metrics            = {"community": {"name": "louvain", "resolution": 1}},         # Specify node metrics
                 node_size               = "citations",                                                 # Node size
                 node_size_range         = (3, 30),                                                     # Node size range
                 path                    = f"networks/authors/{start_year}_{end_year}_sigma_v2.html",   # Output file path
                 start_layout            = 3,                                                           # Start layout algorithm
                 #node_border_color      = "black",                                                     # Node border color
                 #edge_color             = "#7D7C7C"                                                    # Edge color
                 # node_label_color      = "community"                                                  # Node label color

    return G, df

3.4.2 Co-authorship network for the 2021-2023 period (click here for fullscreen)

import random
import community as community_louvain

# Fix the seed for reproducibility

G_2021_2023, df_2021_2023 = sigma_graph(list_articles, 2021, 2023)
colors = nx.greedy_color(G_2021_2023, strategy='largest_first', interchange=False)
colorsdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(colors, orient='index', columns=['color'])
#plot distribution of colors
colorsdf['color'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6), rot=0, title="Distribution of colors in the 2021-2023 network")

#detect how many commmunities there are in the graph
communities = community_louvain.best_partition(G_2021_2023)
print("There are {} communities in the 2021-2023 network".format(len(set(communities.values()))))
There are 170 communities in the 2021-2023 network
#print("The density of the graph is {}".format(round(nx.density(G_2022_2023), 6)))

3.4.3 Co-authorship network for the 2018-2022 period (click here for fullscreen)

G_2018_2022, df_2018_2022 = sigma_graph(list_articles, 2018, 2022)
colors = nx.greedy_color(G_2018_2022, strategy='largest_first', interchange=False)
colorsdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(colors, orient='index', columns=['color'])
#plot distribution of colors
colorsdf['color'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6), rot=0, title="Distribution of colors in the 2018-2022 network")

#print("The density of the graph is {}".format(nx.density(G_2018_2021))

communities = community_louvain.best_partition(G_2018_2022)
print("There are {} communities in the 2018-2022 network".format(len(set(communities.values()))))
There are 179 communities in the 2018-2022 network

3.4.4 Co-authorship network for the 2015-2019 period (click here for fullscreen)

G_2015_2019, df_2015_2019 = sigma_graph(list_articles, 2015, 2019)
colors = nx.greedy_color(G_2015_2019, strategy='largest_first', interchange=False)
colorsdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(colors, orient='index', columns=['color'])
#plot distribution of colors
colorsdf['color'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6), rot=0, title="Distribution of colors in the 2015-2019 network")

#print("The density of the graph is {}".format(nx.density(G_2013_2017))

communities = community_louvain.best_partition(G_2015_2019)
print("There are {} communities in the 2015-2019 network".format(len(set(communities.values()))))
There are 70 communities in the 2015-2019 network

3.4.5 Co-authorship network for the 2014-2019 period (click here for fullscreen)

G_2014_2019, df_2014_2019 = sigma_graph(list_articles, 2014, 2019)
colors = nx.greedy_color(G_2014_2019, strategy='largest_first', interchange=False)
colorsdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(colors, orient='index', columns=['color'])
#plot distribution of colors
colorsdf['color'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6), rot=0, title="Distribution of colors in the 2014-2019 network")

communities = community_louvain.best_partition(G_2014_2019)
print("There are {} communities in the 2014-2019 network".format(len(set(communities.values()))))
There are 77 communities in the 2014-2019 network

3.4.6 Co-authorship network until 2015 (click here for fullscreen)

G_0_2015, df_0_2015 = sigma_graph(list_articles, 0, 2015)
colors = nx.greedy_color(G_0_2015, strategy='largest_first', interchange=False)
colorsdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(colors, orient='index', columns=['color'])
#plot distribution of colors
colorsdf['color'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar', figsize=(10, 6), rot=0, title="Distribution of colors in the 0-2015 network")

communities = community_louvain.best_partition(G_0_2015)
print("There are {} communities in the 0-2015 network".format(len(set(communities.values()))))
There are 46 communities in the 0-2015 network

3.5 An interesting metric: the graph density

The graph density is the ratio of the number of edges to the maximum number of possible edges. It is a measure of the proportion of edges present in a graph. A graph with a high density has a large number of edges compared to the number of nodes. A graph with a low density has a small number of edges compared to the number of nodes.

A more formal definition is given here by the following formulas:

  • For undirected graphs:

\[ \begin{equation}d=\frac{2 m}{n(n-1)}\end{equation} \]

  • For directed graphs:

\[ \begin{equation}d=\frac{m}{n(n-1)}\end{equation} \]

where \(n\) is the number of nodes and \(m\) is the number of edges in the graph.

From an interpretation standpoint, we can appreciate the density in the graphs bellow as follows:

\(d\) Interpretation
Close to \(0\)
  • The collaborative relationships among authors are sparse:

  • Authors have limited connections with each other outside of their community.

  • Scientific papers are primarily the work of individual authors or small isolated groups.

Close to \(1\)
  • Authors frequently collaborate with one another, leading to a web of interconnected scientific collaborations.

  • Scientific papers often involve contributions from multiple authors, reflecting a high level of teamwork and interdisciplinary research.

  • Collaborations are a significant aspect of the research process in this marketing field, and authors actively seek out opportunities to work together.

  • The network of collaborations is well-established and robust, facilitating the exchange of ideas and the advancement of scientific knowledge.

3.5.1 Evolution of the graphs’ density

def average_degree(G):
    # Calculate the sum of degrees of all nodes
    total_degree = sum(dict(
    # Divide by the number of nodes to get the average degree
    avg_degree = total_degree / G.number_of_nodes()
    return avg_degree
def linear_density(G):
    if len(G.nodes()) == 0:  # Pour éviter une division par zéro
        return 0
    return len(G.edges()) / len(G.nodes())
# Create a dataframe with the density of each graph
#density_df = pd.DataFrame({
    #'period': ['before-2013', '2013-2017', '2018-2021', '2022-2023'],
    #'density': [
    #'average_degree': [
    #'linear_density': [

# Load the 'density_df' dataframe from Python using reticulate
#testtransfer <- py$density_df

# Specify the order of categories for the 'period' column
#testtransfer$period <- factor(testtransfer$period, levels = c('before-2013', '2013-2017', '2018-2021', '2022-2023'))

# Use the 'gt()' function to display the dataframe
#testtransfer %>%
  #rename_all(Hmisc::capitalize) %>%
  #gt() %>%
    #style = cell_text(weight = "bold", align = "center"),
    #locations = cells_column_labels()
# Create the Plotly graph
#fig <- plot_ly(testtransfer, x = ~period, y = ~density, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines+markers', 
               #text = ~paste("Period=", period, "<br>Density=", density), hoverinfo = "text")

# Show the graph
#fig <- fig %>% layout(template = "plotly_white")


4 Graph density of references


# Create a dataframe with the density of each graph
#density_df_references = pd.DataFrame({
    #'period': ['before-2013', '2013-2017', '2018-2021', '2022-2023', 'overall'],
    #'density': [
    #'average_degree': [
    #'linear_density': [
#| label: citations-graph-density-comparison
#| fig.cap: Comparison of network densities and average degree of nodes over time
#| column: body-outset

# Density plot
density_plot <- ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = py$density_df, aes(x = period, y = density, colour = "Collaboration Density", group=1, text = paste("Period:", period, "<br>Density:", density)), linewidth=1) +
  geom_line(data = py$density_df_references %>% filter(period != "overall"), aes(x = period, y = density, colour = "References Density", group=1, text = paste("Period:", period, "<br>Density:", density)), linewidth=1) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Graphs Density") +
  scale_x_discrete(limits = c("before-2013", "2013-2017", "2018-2021", "2022-2023")) +
  xlab("Period") +
  ggtitle("Comparison of Network Density Over Time") +

# Linear density plot (m/n)
linear_density_plot <- ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = py$density_df, aes(x = period, y = linear_density, colour = "Collaboration Linear Density", group=1, text = paste("Period:", period, "<br>Linear Density:", linear_density)), linewidth=1) + # Adjusted for the new column "linear_density"
  geom_line(data = py$density_df_references %>% filter(period != "overall"), aes(x = period, y = linear_density, colour = "References Linear Density", group=1, text = paste("Period:", period, "<br>Linear Density:", linear_density)), linewidth=1) + # Adjusted for the new column "linear_density"
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Graphs Linear Density") +
  scale_x_discrete(limits = c("before-2013", "2013-2017", "2018-2021", "2022-2023")) +
  xlab("Period") +
  ggtitle("Comparison of Network Linear Density Over Time") +

# Create average degree plot
avg_degree_plot <- ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = py$density_df, aes(x = period, y = average_degree, colour = "Collaboration Average Degree", group=1, text = paste("Period:", period, "<br>Average Degree:", average_degree)), linewidth=1) + # Corrected here
  geom_line(data = py$density_df_references %>% filter(period != "overall"), aes(x = period, y = average_degree, colour = "References Average Degree", group=1, text = paste("Period:", period, "<br>Average Degree:", average_degree)), linewidth=1) +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Nodes Average Degree") +
  scale_x_discrete(limits = c("before-2013", "2013-2017", "2018-2021", "2022-2023")) +
  xlab("Period") +
  ggtitle("Comparison of Network Average Degree Over Time") +

# Combine density and average degree plots
density_plot / linear_density_plot / avg_degree_plot

ggsave("images/citations-graph-density-comparison.png", width=270, height=180, units="cm", dpi=300)



Plique, Guillaume. 2022. ipysigma.”