Systematic literature review

A focus on citations/references with networks


Olivier Caron

Paris Dauphine - PSL

Christophe Benavent

Paris Dauphine - PSL


November 17, 2023

1 Citations networks

Let’s now dive into the exploration of citation networks. We’ll be employing the same approach that we used for analyzing co-authorship networks across different time periods.

In this new investigation, our primary aim remains the acquisition of valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of research in marketing using NLP methods.

This research is motivated by the convergence of two critical factors:

  1. The advent of novel tools and techniques that facilitate the analysis of large data volumes ;

  2. The proliferation and the availability of open and private data from various sectors.

While our prior work focused on uncovering emerging research topics, our current focus is about comprehending which papers have garnered the most attention. We seek to determine whether it is predominantly computer science papers that have inspired marketing scholars with new perspectives into data analysis or if marketing papers have also played a role in advocating the development of new theories.

1.1 Data preparation and summary

We’ll start by loading the data of references and preparing it for the analysis.

2 Libraries and preparing data

# Load the data of references
list_references <- read_csv2('nlp_references_final_18-08-2023.csv')

# Get the current year
current_year <- as.integer(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))

# Perform the following operations on the list_references DataFrame:
# 1. Select the first 32 columns
# 2. Extract the relevant part of the 'citing_art' column
# 3. Rename columns for easier reference
# 4. Reorder the 'scopus_id' column
# 5. Extract the year from the 'prism:coverDate' column
# 6. Calculate the 'citations_per_year' column
# 7. Round the 'citations_per_year' column to two decimal places
# 8. Remove the original 'prism:coverDate' column

#list_references %>%

list_references <- list_references %>%
  select(1:32) %>%
  mutate(citing_art = substr(citing_art, 11, nchar(citing_art))) %>%
  rename(author = ``,
         scopus_id = `scopus-id`,
         citedby_count = `citedby-count`) %>%
  relocate(scopus_id, .after = citing_art) %>%
  mutate(year = as.integer(substr(`prism:coverDate`, 1, 4))) %>%
  mutate(citations_per_year = ifelse(! & !, 
                                     citedby_count / (current_year - year + 1), 
                                     NA)) %>%
  mutate(citations_per_year = round(citations_per_year, 2)) %>%
  mutate(year = as.character(year)) %>%

#write_csv2(list_references, 'list_ref_test_to_delete.csv')
Data summary
Name list_references
Number of rows 27710
Number of columns 33
Column type frequency:
character 23
logical 3
numeric 7
Group variables None

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
citing_art 0 1.00 10 11 0 437 0
scopus_id 0 1.00 10 11 0 21176 0
scopus-eid 0 1.00 17 18 0 21176 0
volisspag.voliss.@volume 6464 0.77 1 59 0 577 0
volisspag.voliss.@issue 9919 0.64 1 17 0 294 0
volisspag.pagerange.@first 9069 0.67 1 6 0 2005 0
volisspag.pagerange.@last 9098 0.67 1 7 0 2030 0
sourcetitle 935 0.97 2 313 0 7759 0
type 0 1.00 17 23 0 2 0
title 3820 0.86 5 313 0 18075 0
url 0 1.00 62 63 0 21176 0
ce:doi 8599 0.69 12 66 0 13905 0 7178 0.74 2 35 0 7732 0 7650 0.72 2 35 0 7549 0 7650 0.72 2 10 0 825 0 7648 0.72 1 25 0 7697 0 7648 0.72 4 28 0 10775 0 1127 0.96 1 14 0 1374 0 8372 0.70 68 69 0 3540 0 1028 0.96 1 83 0 10290 0 7648 0.72 60 61 0 11213 0
author 1028 0.96 3 83 0 14690 0
year 7645 0.72 4 4 0 79 0

Variable type: logical

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean count
(_fa?) 0 1.00 1 TRU: 27710 1028 0.96 1 TRU: 26682 1028 0.96 1 TRU: 26682

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
citedby_count 7705 0.72 8.617000e+02 4.167250e+03 0 37.0 1.100000e+02 371 1.106130e+05 ▇▁▁▁▁
(id?) 0 1.00 1.995063e+05 5.303331e+06 1 17.0 3.800000e+01 65 1.484029e+08 ▇▁▁▁▁ 1028 0.96 1.010000e+00 1.200000e-01 1 1.0 1.000000e+00 1 7.000000e+00 ▇▁▁▁▁ 8372 0.70 6.173094e+07 9.348258e+06 60000009 60012464.0 6.002432e+07 60098091 1.292109e+08 ▇▁▁▁▁ 7648 0.72 3.249277e+10 2.170754e+10 6503961461 7402008640.0 3.520104e+10 56174119775 5.853100e+10 ▇▂▂▁▇
entry_number 0 1.00 1.831000e+01 1.143000e+01 1 8.0 1.700000e+01 28 4.000000e+01 ▇▇▆▆▅
citations_per_year 7705 0.72 5.840000e+01 3.415700e+02 0 4.4 1.157000e+01 31 1.382662e+04 ▇▁▁▁▁

2.0.1 Detect inconsistencies

There are some problems with the data that we need to address before proceeding with the analysis.

Some scopus_id identifiers (the id of the reference that appears in our marketing NLP corpus articles) have multiple different values of title (even only minor differences), sourcetitle, etc. although they should be equal.

We want to plot the networks with information about the nodes but we need to have only one unique value for each variable of scopus_id.

list_references = r.list_references

# Group by 'scopus_id' and count the unique number of 'title' for each 'scopus_id'
title_counts = list_references.groupby('scopus_id')['title'].nunique()

# Find the 'scopus_id' that have more than one associated title
inconsistent_scopus_id = title_counts[title_counts > 1].index.tolist()

2.0.2 List of all inconsistencies

list_inconsistencies <- list_references %>%
  filter(scopus_id %in% py$inconsistent_scopus_id) %>% #we take the inconsistent scopus_id from python by using reticulate
  select(scopus_id, citing_art, title, sourcetitle, year, author)

  striped = TRUE,
  groupBy = "scopus_id",
  defaultPageSize = 5,
  defaultColDef = colDef(minWidth = 100, maxWidth = 200),  # Adjust these values as needed
  columns = list(
    title = colDef(minWidth = 250)  # Adjust this value based on the length of your titles

2.0.3 Correct inconsistencies

To correct the inconsistencies, we’ll use the standardize_values() function. Specifically:

  1. Grouping by Unique Identifiers: We first organize data by a unique identifier like scopus_id. This collates all relevant entries for a particular article or reference.

  2. Standardizing Titles and Source Names: Next, within each group, we harmonize key values such as article titles, source names, and author names to remove variations.

  3. Standardization Priorities: To choose the ‘standard’ value within each group, we apply a set of rules that favor the most commonly occurring value, using additional tie-breaker criteria as needed (number of characters, capitalized letters).

def standardize_values(df, groupby_column, value_column):
    Standardize the values of the specified column based on the most frequent non-empty value and fewest characters 
    within each group.

    - df: DataFrame
    - groupby_column: The column by which we group data.
    - value_column: The column whose values we want to standardize based on the rules.

    - DataFrame with standardized values.
    def custom_mode(series):
        # Remove NA values and other representations of NA
        series = series.dropna()
        series = series[~series.isin(['', 'NA'])]
        # If all values were NA or empty
        if series.empty:
            return np.nan  # Using numpy's nan for consistency

        # Get value counts
        counts = series.value_counts()

        # If there's a single most common value, return it
        if len(counts) == 1 or counts.iloc[0] != counts.iloc[1]:
            return counts.idxmax()

        # If multiple values have the same max count, apply further rules
        top_values = counts[counts == counts.iloc[0]].index.tolist()

        # Sort by fewest characters
        sorted_by_chars = sorted(top_values, key=lambda x: len(x))

        # If there's a single value with the fewest characters, return it
        if len(sorted_by_chars) == 1 or len(sorted_by_chars[0]) != len(sorted_by_chars[1]):
            return sorted_by_chars[0]

        # If the column is not the author's name, apply the uppercase letter rule.
        if value_column != "author_name":  # adjust "author_name" to the correct column name if necessary
            return sorted(sorted_by_chars, key=lambda x: sum(1 for c in x if c.isupper()), reverse=True)[0]
            return sorted_by_chars[0]

    # Find the most common value for each group based on the custom mode
    most_common_value = df.groupby(groupby_column)[value_column].apply(custom_mode).to_dict()

    # Map the most common values to the dataframe based on the group
    df[value_column] = df[groupby_column].map(most_common_value)

    return df

# Usage example:
list_references_standardized = standardize_values(list_references, 'scopus_id', 'title')
list_references_standardized = standardize_values(list_references_standardized, 'scopus_id', 'sourcetitle')
list_references_standardized = standardize_values(list_references_standardized, 'scopus_id', 'author')

2.0.4 Check inconsistencies

We check that the inconsistencies have been corrected.

check_inconsistencies <- py$list_references_standardized %>%
  filter(scopus_id %in% py$inconsistent_scopus_id) %>% #we take the inconsistent scopus_id from python by using reticulate
  select(scopus_id, citing_art, title, sourcetitle, year, author)

  striped = TRUE,
  defaultPageSize = 5,
  groupBy = "scopus_id",
  defaultColDef = colDef(minWidth = 100, maxWidth = 200), 
  columns = list(
    title = colDef(minWidth = 250)

2.0.5 Get missing data (to be done later if necessary)

We have a lot of missing data when it comes to the year of publication of the articles, the title, the sourcetitle the authors, DOI. It could be helpful to retrieve these data so we can see them when we click on the nodes.

# First, let's construct a df where "year" is missing::
missing_years <- py$list_references_standardized %>%
  filter(year == "NA") %>%
  select(scopus_id, citing_art, title, sourcetitle, year, author, `ce:doi`)

3 Construct the networks

Ipysigma allows us to view different information when clicking on the nodes. This enhances the interactive experience by providing context-relevant details for each node in the network.

To achieve this functionality, we have two primary options:

  • The first is to create a loop that assigns the relevant information, such as author name, year, title, and source title, to each individual node. We have done this for the authors’ networks.

  • The second option is to construct a dictionary where each node serves as a key and the corresponding information serves as the value.

We opted for the latter approach here. This dictionary is then passed as attributes to the nodes using NetworkX’s set_node_attributes property.

3.1 Another function to graph them all

def get_citations_df(df, data, start_year=None, end_year=None):
    Filter and extract necessary columns for a citation network from a DataFrame based on a range of years.
    - df: DataFrame containing the data
    - start_year: Optional, the starting year for filtering
    - end_year: Optional, the ending year for filtering
    - DataFrame with filtered data
    # Convert 'NA' strings to NaN and the column to numeric
    df['year'] = pd.to_numeric(df['year'], errors='coerce')
    # Only apply filtering if both start_year and end_year are provided
    if start_year is not None and end_year is not None:
        # Filter the data based on the 'year' column for the given range
        df = df[df['year'].between(start_year, end_year)]
        data = data[data['year'].between(start_year, end_year)]
    # Extract necessary columns for the citation network
    # Change here if we need more or less columns
    citations_df = df[['citing_art', 'scopus_id', 'sourcetitle', 'title', 'citedby_count', 'citations_per_year', 'author', 'year']]
    # Rename the 'citedby_count' column to 'citations'
    citations_df = citations_df.rename(columns={'citedby_count': 'citations'})

    return citations_df

def sort_dict(dict):
    sorted_dict = {k: v for k, v in sorted(dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])}
    return sorted_dict

def get_info_references_dict(df, key, column):
    Create a dictionary with keys from the specified key_column and values from the specified value_column.

    :param df: Input DataFrame.
    :param key_column: Column name to be used as keys in the resulting dictionary.
    :param value_column: Column name to be used as values in the resulting dictionary.
    :return: Dictionary with keys from key_column and values from value_column.
    if key not in df.columns and column not in df.columns:
        raise ValueError(f"Both key '{key}' and column '{column}' are not present in the DataFrame.")
    elif key not in df.columns:
        raise ValueError(f"The key '{key}' is not present in the DataFrame.")
    elif column not in df.columns:
        raise ValueError(f"The column '{column}' is not present in the DataFrame.")
    return sort_dict(df.set_index(key)[column].to_dict())

def sigma_graph_references(df, data, start_year=None, end_year=None):

    citations_df = get_citations_df(df, data , start_year, end_year)# Create a graph from the given dataframe

    # Initialize the output dictionary
    dict_references = {}
    columns_to_extract = ['title', 'sourcetitle', 'author', 'year', 'citedby_count', 'citations_per_year']
    # Create the period label with start_year and end_year
    period_label = "{}_{}".format(start_year, end_year) if start_year and end_year else "overall"

    # Initialize the nested dictionary for this period
    dict_references = {period_label: {}}

    for column in columns_to_extract:
        # Check if the column exists in the DataFrame
        if column in df.columns:
            # Populate the dictionary with the column data using the get_info_references_dict function
            dict_references[period_label][column] = get_info_references_dict(df, 'scopus_id', column)

    # Get the citing_art dictionary from 'data' DataFrame and merge
    for column in columns_to_extract:
        # Check if the column exists in the 'data' DataFrame
        if column in data.columns:
            citing_art_dict = get_info_references_dict(data, 'eid', column)
            # Merge the dictionaries, checking for the presence of the key
            for key, value in citing_art_dict.items():
                if key not in dict_references[period_label].get(column, {}):
                    dict_references[period_label].setdefault(column, {})[key] = value
    G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(citations_df, 'citing_art', 'scopus_id', create_using=nx.DiGraph())
    # Fetch attributes for the given period from the global dict_references
    attributes_dict = dict_references.get(period_label, {})

    # Set the attributes from dict_references to the nodes of the graph
    for attribute, attribute_dict in attributes_dict.items():
        nx.set_node_attributes(G, attribute_dict, name=attribute)

    # Set edge colors for visualization
    for u, v in G.edges:
        G[u][v]["color"] = "#7D7C7C"

    # Calculate the degree of each node
    node_degree = dict(

    # Compute multiple centrality metrics for nodes
    node_degree_centrality = nx.degree_centrality(G)
    node_degree_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G)
    node_degree_closeness = nx.closeness_centrality(G)
    node_degree_eigenvector = nx.closeness_centrality(G)
    node_degree_constraint_unweighted = nx.constraint(G)
    # Set node attributes for various metrics
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_centrality, 'centrality')
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_betweenness, 'betweenness')
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_closeness, 'closeness')
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_eigenvector, 'eigenvector centrality')
    nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_degree_constraint_unweighted, 'burt constraint unweighted')
    # Layout settings of graphology
    # Some experiments of the different settings:
    layout_settings = {
    'adjustSizes': False,                          # ?boolean false: should the node’s sizes be taken into account?
    'barnesHutOptimize': True,                     # ?boolean false: whether to use the Barnes-Hut approximation to compute repulsion in O(n*log(n)) rather than default O(n^2), n being the number of nodes.
    'barnesHutTheta': 0.5,                         # ?number 0.5: Barnes-Hut approximation theta parameter.
    'edgeWeightInfluence': 1,                      # ?number 1: influence of the edge’s weights on the layout. To consider edge weight, don’t forget to pass weighted as true when applying the synchronous layout or when instantiating the worker.
    'gravity': 1,                                 # ?number 1: strength of the layout’s gravity.
    'linLogMode': True,                            # ?boolean false: whether to use Noack’s LinLog model.
    'outboundAttractionDistribution': False,       # ?boolean false
    'scalingRatio': 1,                             # ?number 1
    'slowDown': 1,                                 # ?number 1
    'strongGravityMode': False                     # ?boolean false

    # Construct the sigma graph and customize visualization
                 #layout_settings        = layout_settings,                                       # Set layout settings
                 default_edge_type      = "arrow",                                                # Set default edge type
                 fullscreen             = True,                                                   # Display in fullscreen mode
                 label_density          = 2,                                                      # Increase this to have more labels appear
                 label_font             = "Helvetica Neue",                                       # Set label font
                 max_categorical_colors = 30,                                                     # Max categorical colors for communities
                 node_border_color_from = 'node',                                                 # Set node border color from 'node' attribute
                 node_color             = "community",                                            # Set node colors
                 node_label             = "author",                                               # Set node label from 'author' attribute
                 node_label_size        = G.in_degree,                                            # Set node label size
                 node_label_size_range  = (12, 36),                                               # Set node label size range
                 node_metrics           = {"community": {"name": "louvain", "resolution": 2}},    # Specify node metrics
                 node_size              = G.in_degree,                                            # Set node size based on the in_degree attribute
                 node_size_range        = (3, 30),                                                # Set node size range
                 path                   = f"networks/references/{period_label}_sigmadefault.html",       # Specify the output file path
                 start_layout           = 10                                                       # Start the layout algorithm automatically and lasts 5 seconds
                 #node_border_color     = "black",                                                # Set node border color
                 #edge_color            = "source",                                               # Set edge color from 'source' attribute

    return G, citations_df

3.2 Citations network for 2022-2023 (click here for fullscreen)

G_2022_2023_references, df_2022_2023_references = sigma_graph_references(list_references_standardized, data, 2022, 2023)

3.3 Citations network for 2018-2021 (click here for fullscreen)


G_2018_2021_references, df_2018_2021_references = sigma_graph_references(list_references_standardized, data, 2018, 2021)

3.4 Citations network for 2013-2017 (click here for fullscreen)

G_2013_2017_references, df_2013_2017_references = sigma_graph_references(list_references_standardized, data, 2013, 2017)

3.5 Citations network for before 2013 (click here for fullscreen)


G_before_2013_references, df_before_2013_references = sigma_graph_references(list_references_standardized, data, 0, 2013)

3.6 Citations network for overall (click here for fullscreen)

G_before_2013_references, df_before_2013_references = sigma_graph_references(list_references_standardized, data, 0, 2023)